


"Live, Eat, Sleb"

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About Me

I am a 5th semester IT student at Bina Nusantara University who likes to explore the field of Software Engineering, from Back End, Front End, Mobile Apps, until DevOps. I am currently joining the internship program at PT. Infra Solusi Indonesia as a Back End developer. I currently interested in learning about React JS and Node JS. I have experience in developing web applications using Laravel and Fastify. Also, I used to teaching Mobile Apps Development using Java and Android Studio.

In my free time, I like to watching animes, play games, and looking for new things to learn such as programming things and Linux. Currently I using Windows as my main OS, and I used Ubuntu as my secondary OS on the same device. I like to exlporing the Linux world, and I slowly moving my workflow to Linux. I am looking forward for my next intern as a Back End Developer or Full Stack Developer on my dream company :D